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Money 101
Welcome & Course Overview
Welcome to Money 101 (1:58)
Section 1: Make Your Budget Pay You
Pay Yourself First (4:35)
Divvy Up Your Money (5:00)
Simple Download: Budget Plan
Simple Download: Expenses and Income Sheet
Section 1 Recap Quiz
Section 2: Not All Debt is Created Equal
Interest Rates and Different Types of Debt (1:49)
Lower Interest Debt (5:03)
High Interest Debt (4:06)
Quick Rundown on Credit (4:06)
Section 2 Recap Quiz
Section 3: The Scoop on Saving Money
Checking Accounts (4:31)
Savings Accounts (3:06)
High Yield Savings Accounts (4:54)
Starting an Emergency Fund (3:23)
Section 3 Recap Quiz
Section 4: Investing for Retirement
The Power of Compound Interest (5:55)
Tax-Advantaged Investing (2:04)
The Classic 401(k) (5:42)
Master the Employer Match (6:04)
Target Date Funds (4:03)
Individual Retirement Accounts (1:50)
The Magical Roth IRA (6:20)
The Triple Threat HSA (6:30)
Simple Download: Backdoor Roth
Section 4 Recap Quiz
Section 5: Taxable Income Investing
Orientation to Investing (6:14)
Short Term or Long Term (6:10)
The Concept of Capital Gains (4:29)
Stocks and the Stock Market (5:59)
Index Funds Explained (7:14)
Brief Overview of Mutual Funds (2:51)
Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) (3:59)
Section 5 Recap Quiz
Section 6: Side Hustle Central
Side Hustle to Win (4:31)
Sell Your Strengths (4:53)
Intro to E-Commerce (4:32)
The Social Media Era (5:43)
Freelance for Freedom (3:15)
Section 6 Recap Quiz
See You Later & Course Outro
Apply What You've Learned (1:32)
Welcome to Money 101
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